The London ColoRectal Clinic offers the latest diagnostic and therapeutic services, including colorectal surgery, to patients who suffer from disorders of the colon, rectum (bowel) and anus.
Anorectal symptoms and complaints are common and may be caused by a wide spectrum of conditions that affect the colon, rectum and anus. Although most conditions are benign and may be successfully treated in the outpatient’s clinics, a high index of suspicion for colorectal cancer should be maintained and all patients should be appropriately investigated.
We are consulted by patients with anorectal and colonic symptoms such us abdominal pain, anal pain, anal bleeding, rectal bleeding, rectal prolapse, itching around the anus, haemorroids, piles, constipation, diarrhoea, faecal incontinence.
We offer minimal invasive or laparoscopic surgery for conditions such as colorectal cancer, diverticular disease, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and anal fistulae and anal fissures.
For patients with a family history of colon and rectal cancer or polyps, The London ColoRectal clinic offers a comprehensive bowel screening program.
We are consulted by patients with anorectal and colonic symptoms such us:
Abdominal pain
Anal pain
Anal or rectal bleeding
Pus discharge from and around anus
Rectal prolapse
Itching around the anus
Presence of swelling or lumps in or around anus
Haemorroids or piles
Passage of mucus per rectum
Constipation or straining during defecation
Frequency of stool or diarrhoea
Faecal incontinence or soiling
We have specialist and general interest in:
Colon & Rectal cancer
Anal cancer
Inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative colitis / Crohns disease)
Diverticular disease
Anal fistula
Anal fissures
Pilonidal disease
Bowel cancer screening
We know there are a number of choices of private hospitals in London but we believe that The London ColoRectal Clinic is different.
At The London Clinic we want to make things as simple as possible for you to help you to get the answers you want, the treatment you need, and back to feeling well again as soon as possible.
There are a number of ways to access treatment at The London ColoRectal Clinic, by using your private health insurance, paying for your own treatment or sometimes through a third party for International patients.
If you already have insurance cover or are ready to go ahead with private treatment, we can help you with the process.
Level 6
32 St Thomas’ Street
London Bridge
London, SE1 9SP
Medical Outpatient Centre
24 Portland Place
(From 16th September 2021)